Sylvia Yu

about Sylvia

Sylvia was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at the age of 3. Despite her challenges, she has found a profound connection with the world through art, particularly through her early fascination with drawing characters with only one eye.

Art has served as the key to unlocking doors for Sylvia

From her very first drawing at the age of 3, Sylvia demonstrated remarkable artistic talent. Despite facing significant speech and learning difficulties, art became Sylvia’s primary means of expression and communication. Her vibrant and uniquely captivating drawings speak volumes, conveying emotions and ideas that words alone cannot capture. Over time, Sylvia has honed her craft, developing distinctive techniques characterized by bold color combinations, skillful blending, and a dynamic gestural style. Her intuitive sense of aesthetics is deeply influenced by the natural world, reflected in her abstract paintings that serve as emotional translations rendered in bright colors, unique shapes, and intricate lines, offering a glimpse into her richly imaginative and inventive mind.

With a prolific portfolio boasting over 3000 pieces, Sylvia’s art serves as portals to fantastical and beautiful world of her creation. Through her work, she instills hope in those who grapple with feelings of "otherness," inviting us to embrace a new realm of possibilities beyond conventional notions of ability and disability. Sylvia’s art transcends the ordinary, revealing beauty in the extraordinary and offering a profound testament to the boundless power of a pure heart.

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